Pupils are referred to Ernest Cookson through Liverpool Council SEND department and will usually have a Education and Health Care Plan (EHCP). We will then identify if we are able to meet an individual childs needs and will act accordingly.
Pupils will be admitted:
a) If they have an Education, Health and Care Plan and have been referred to the school by Liverpool Local Authority, other authorities must seek approval from Liverpool SEN before approaching the school.
b) The school is able to meet the child’s needs academically, socially and medically.
c) If their special educational needs fall within the following spectrums: -
Social, Emotional and Mental Health
Attachment and Trauma
d) with due regard to our legal responsibilities, the SEN Code of Practice, data protection and the constraints set out by the Local Authority (e.g. Admissions Criteria and County Transport Policy).
e) after due consideration of the referral papers by the headteacher, deputy headteacher and SENCo, where appropriate, teaching staff and governors and if there are places available within the agreed place number or physical capacity set by the Local Authority.
For more information, please see our admissions policy: