GSO Test



 Many concerns and minor complaints can be resolved quickly and informally. There are many occasions where issues are resolved immediately through the class teacher or another member of staff, depending upon the nature of the complaint. Unless there are exceptional circumstances every effort will be made by the school to have a full discussion with the complainant before moving into the stages of this procedure.


There is a difference between a ‘concern’ and a ‘compliant’. The school should take concerns seriously at an early stage to reduce the number that will develop into complaints. Formal complaints should follow the complaints procedure.


Formal procedures will need to be invoked when initial attempts to resolve the issue are unsuccessful and the person raising the concern remains dissatisfied and wishes to take the matter further.


The school has a nominated Complaints Coordinator. This is currently Gill Smith – Assistant Head: Head of Student Welfare.


 The person investigating the complaint should make sure they:


  •  Establish what has happened so far


  •  Clarify the nature of the complaint


  •  Meet with the complainant or contact them (if unsure or if further information is necessary)


  •  Clarify what the complainant feels would put things right


  •  Interview those involved in the matter and/or those complained of, allowing them to be accompanied if they wish


  •  Conduct the interview with an open mind and be prepared to persist in the questioning


  •  Keep notes of the interview or arrange for an independent note taker to record minutes of the meeting



 Please see our Complaints Policy for more information:


Complaints Policy